Scape Jumper 2 now in production.
Seeing how well and a success Scape Jumper went, number 2 is in production. It will have 6 levels each progressing in difficulty. I will be adding much more detail (You know the little things like background, and items such as little rocks, bottles and debri). So this is a heads up! It will also include the desired Checkpoint system, fixed collision detection and more.
You've been warned! Look for it on newgrounds soon!
level 1: 90%
level 2: 45%
level 3: 0%
level 4: 0%
level 5: 0%
Will the art have a stick person or will you be a full body? Because a full body would be a lot better, not that I really mind.
Oh and will there be any boss fights? Because some form of boss battles that involve jumping on the boss would be nice.
xHeavyMetalx (Updated )
Well the full body... possibly. Boss fights are a yes as well. And this one is definently 3 steps up from the previous Scape Jumper. There are coins to be collected and much more features that you won't find in the first one.